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1/14/01 - Gaming, Gaming, and oh, more Gaming

It's vacation and I've been relaxing and keeping myself amused, so please forgive me for the lateness.  One particular factor has made this holiday quite an interesting and eventful for one, and shame on any of you who can't pinpoint what that factor may be: gaming.
     Video gaming for those who like it spelled out, this holiday season has arguably been the greatest era of game history.  This year has debuted three new huge consoles, the death of a few others, and launched a gritty and gory war the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Super NES vs Genesis days.  If you're already lost, I'm refering to Gamecube vs Playstation 2 vs Xbox, Sega already dropped out of the running and instead producing games for all three systems, meanwhile Game Boy Advance dominates the handheld market. 
     I am going to comment on each one of these systems and their current gaming status, however also note that I have limited funds and have only been subjected to certain amounts of each system, so what I say is based on what I know and is in no way fact or completely supported.  That said, they're still my opinions, and you can either love 'em or leave 'em. 
     I'll start out with the winner and dictator of its own category, Game Boy Advance.  As of January, there aren't a ton of games available for it, but you still have the entire Game Boy Color library to peruse as GBA is backwards compatible, meaning you can play nonGBA games on it.  I bought it during the summer simply for Castlevania glory, but also as insurance for the gold it may mine in the future.  At this point in time, it's even still worth it to get ahold of a GBC just for the Game Boy Camera, the Zelda: Oracle games, or Pokemon Silver/Gold (yes, the franchise might be annoying, but the games are very good).  Castlevania is fun and will last quite a while, and I've only heard good things about the new Mario Kart.  Plus remixes (rehashes) of old school Mario games, Street Fighters, and other classic series are good for a nostalgia fix, although be wary you can just as soon download the original versions through emulation.
     Poor Sega.  The Dreamcast had much potential and a slew of good games, but they just couldn't earn back their losses.  Hardcore fans are dying for the cancelled Shenmue 2, which was scheduled to be the DC's last hurrah.  However, now priced at $50 (cheaper than a GBC!), people who like fun, replayable arcade-like experiences can grab lots of solid games for cheap prices.  Marvel Vs Capcom 2, the Sonic series, Shenmue (1), and plenty of Sega's vaunted sports games.  Also, if you have the right connections, you can get ahold of Dance Dance Revolution 2nd mix and Club mix, or import it.  It may have suffered a grisly and untimely end, but its life was short and sweet.
     PS2.  Don't doubt its power.  However, don't trust its lifespan either.  While this season has definitely fulfilled gamers' wishes for the PS2 in one way or another, its limited technical attributes have already caused rumors of a PS3 on the way, after only a single year of 2's existence.  While $300 may be a steep price for a system already showing signs of premature death, the game offerings have never been better.  Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, Grand Theft Auto 3, Gran Turismo 3 A-spec, it is indeed a year of worthy sequels.  In addition, PS2 offers backward compatibility, accessing gamers to hundred of classics in the PS1's library.  While they may require modifying and importing, many DDR mixes, as well as other bemani games are offered for PS2 in japan.  And DVD playability doesn't hurt either.  Might I add, GTA3 is a very guilty pleasure that you must experience to appreciate, and FFX is a work of art.
     Now for the bashing.  Xbox.  Microsoft.  Bill Gates.  All three are routed in evil.  Bill Gates is a capitalist.  His goal for the Xbox is for every family to own one and to eventually dominate the video game market.  No joke.  He said that.  Or something like it.  Microsoft is already controlling the bulk of computers around the world, and the last thing we need is a full-blown monopoly of all media forms.  That said, there's no way in hell I will ever purchase, rent, or give my money to the dark utopia that Xbox represents. 
     No, I haven't even played Xbox, I will admit to that, however I have sampled demos of Munch's Oddyssee and Fusion Frenzy.  They did nothing for me.  Unappealing and boring, respectively.  And from what I've seen at SSB and heard from game store employees, Dead Or Alive 3 is simply a rehash of 2 with new costumes and bigger . . . "effects".  That leaves Halo as the only Box game worth buying, and from what I hear it's very good.  But I warn you all, every time you purchase an Xbox, Bill Gates maniacally cackles.  Oh, did I mention the system is $300, and an extra $50 for a remote if you want to play DVDs.  For the love of God, buy a PS2 instead.
     And least but certainly not least, the Cube, the glorious Gamecube.  No no, the glory is not in Luigi's Mansion.  That is a kid's game, and really the only kid's game at launch.  I assure you, the rest, while seemingly simplistic, is definitely aimed at an older audience.  While only a handful of games are available, quite a few of them are top quality, and if you haven't heard much about them, let me educate you for a moment.
     Reason #1 to buy Gamecube: Smash Brothers Melee.  If you simply "liked" the original for N64 and have devotion to the history of Nintendo, you will love this game.  It surpasses the original in every way possible, and adds so much more.  MOst importantly, this game is for MATURE AUDIENCES because only those of age will be able to fully appreciate all the nostalgia.  Play as Dr. Mario or Falco from Star Fox! play on a board right out of Mario Brothers 2 and fight Birdo!  Listen to the amazing scores and renditions of classic tunes, including an amazing orchestrated Kirby theme!  Plus the trophies, oh the trophies.  You collect trophies both randomly and progressively throughout the game.  These trophies range from various pokemon that show up in the game to the ducks from Duckhunt to the original Game And Watch handheld!  You will choke on nostalgia and love every minute of it.
     Reason #2:  Star Wars Rogue Leader.  Not really a sequel to Rogue Squadron for N64, Rogue Leader offers players the ability to play through the greatest flying craft scenes of the original trilogy.  The Death Star, Hoth, Cloud City, Endor, it's all in there.  But be warned, the game is NOT EASY.  Kid gamers will be lucky to get past the second level.  This game was designed for mature gamers with an appreciation for Star Wars and the gaming skill to beat it thoroughly.  My little brother fully completely everything in Rogue Squadron but can hardly get through half of Rogue Leader.  Be warned, but it's worth it.
     Reason #3: Monkey Ball.  You want great single-player gaming, go buy PS2.  You want amazing party games, get Smash Brothers Melee, but definitely get Monkey Ball.  Listen people, this game has MONKEYS in BALLS.  That's reason enough to buy the game.  Oh, and then it crams about seven other genres of games, besides the initial concept, inside to offer insane variety.  Forget about the main game, it's not important.  Instead, think of this:  Monkey Racing, Monkey Fighting, Monkey Target (very fun), Monkey Billiards, Monkey Bowling, and the enticing Monkey Golf.  I need say no more.

     So that's it.  Yes, I'm a Nintendo addict, it's never done me wrong.  Buy a Cube.  Good stuff is on the way, including a Mario, Metroid, Soul Calibur 2, and Resident Evil.  Or if not, get a PS2.  You got tons of stuff to choose from, a lot of good stuff too.  Get a Dreamcast.  Cheap, good quality.  If you're interested, get a GBA, or wait until more games are released.  And please, for the sake of the freedom of the human race, don't get an Xbox.  Do your species proud.

-Aich Deefind aka Mike