2 Left Feet
M.N. Report
Club Card

Arcade Info


First off, I would like to say hello to all the DDR people who have made this site so popular. I would also like to thank Ted for giving me another chance to help out some people. I swear Ted, I will be more careful this time...I had no idea that he was really going to jump and how could I have possibly known that he was gonna land on your new car...but that's water under the bridge...lets move on to the questions..........

Dear DDR Man:
The other day I was talking down the beautiful streets of Manhattan when I see something that catches my attention.  A raggedy, filthy hobo is standing at a corner with one shoe removed.  I then look and notice the bare foot is being dipped in a puddle on the street.  I hobo reaches down and runs the murky water over his foot.  He was cleaning his feet!  And the funniest part is, it made it cleaner!
Now, watching this event made me think of DDR and how important the cleanliness of our feet is for that activity.  So I was wondering, when next I decide to stroll down the street and once again find a hobo deprived of his hygiene necessities, should I carry a bar of soap with me just in case, just to help a guy in need? 

Yours Truly,
H Defined

Dear H Defined,
I would leave well enough alone. When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild washing in a river using a bar of soap. Water by itself is cleansing, as far as giving away and carrying bars of soap around could be costly, as well as bulky. But, who knows, put that bar of soap in your front pocket and you might be a hit with the ladies. Is that a bar of soap in your front pocket, or are you just happy to see me?.... I hope that answers your question........

Dear DDR Man:
Why isn't there ham in a hamburger? Am I the only one who wonders this? Also, am I the only one who thinks Brittany Spears is an annoying, trashy, talentless, $**T..... DDR Man, please help.....I can't take this anymore, I need answers quick..

Yours Truly,

Dear Glowstickninja10:
Why isn't there ham in hamburger?  There's plenty  of ham in hamburger. I got news for you not only is there ham in there but theres a ton of other crap in there too...lips, eyes, noses, tongues, just to mention a few. Why do you think they call it ground beef. I'll tell you why, because they take all the extra cow parts and grind them up all together.....all so you can have your delicious hamburger. Basically any part of the cow that doesn't turn into a pair of leather boots or a leather belt is in the hamburger. So chow down and enjoy...
As far as your other question is concerned it's not really a question, more like an observed fact. As far as your expletive $**T.  A more tasteful word would be SKANK....... Hope I was helpful.......

Dear DDR Man:
How long does a piece of string have to be, to be considered a piece of

Yours Truly,

Dear Hooster:
I'm afraid I can't help you with that question, but maybe you can help me with this one?
How stupid does a question have to be, before it is considered to be a stupid question.........

Well, thats all the time I have right now. Keep the questions coming and keep checking in... Just remember, Dear DDR Man is here to help.....All questions will be answered...Email questions to:

Send your questions to DearDDRMan@aol.com
