2 Left Feet
M.N. Report
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This week was very difficult for yours truly. I received 2 very serious questions that I have been asked to respond to privately. If you guys are reading this, I hope I helped. As far as the other questions go, here they are.

Dear DDR Man:
Well i been dloading a whole bunch of songs from ddr and i just didn't
know what song was from what version. so i was wondering u the know it all master would tell me all the songs from all the ddr mixes, thank u ddr man!
Yours Truly,

Dear O-Town:
First of all what is with the name O-Town. Isn't it torture enough that they even exist. I guess not to you, because everytime I see your screenname it reminds me of the lameness of the worst boy-band ever.. As a matter of fact, I am not even gonna help you with this one Mr. O-Town. Maybe if you weren't so busy listening to "Liquid Dreams" you would have some time to do some research on the DDR songs. What do I have to do everything? Damn you O-Town, I can't get that song out of my head....You will pay for this. Revenge is mine........!!!!

Dear DDR Man

Dear DDR Man
if i invest in my own ddr unit, will ted want to date me??????

Yours truly,
Clipup Tags

Dear Clipup Tags:
This is a simple question with a simple answer. I know him pretty well....
If you show Ted your "Unit" not only will he want to date you but heck he might ask you to marry him. The other day I was in the arcade and I showed some girl my unit and she smacked me really hard. Not as hard as the time I asked some girl in the arcade if she wanted to see my Ice Balls........... I hope that helped......

Dear DDR Man

Dear DDR Man,
I have a problem with my boyfreind? I am a huge DDR player and I love the game with all my heart and soul. The problem is my boyfriend is absolutely terrible at it. He has no skills what so ever. I want to tell him but I dont want to hurt is feelings.....What should I do??

Yours truly,

Dear xxxninjette:
To attack this question I really need to know how terrible this person is. Is he a bar hugger like the great DDR Mesiah, or does he maybe have the rythum of a fat kid looking frantically for a twinkie... I say dump this punk and find yourself a real man. Did I mention I beat Afronova on trick and I'm working on my freestyle routine? E-mail me, I think we should talk......

Dear DDR Man


Send your questions to DearDDRMan@aol.com
