2 Left Feet
M.N. Report
Club Card

Arcade Info


Lots of questions to answer so let's rock....

Dear DDR Man:
why is it that you decided to enter a space in my screen name??? did you feel it was necessary to create proper english?? Does it make you feel power??? and the important question. my ddr "unit" is attracting alot of attention, how do I make sure I save it for Ted?

Yours Truly,

Dear Clip      Up      Tags,
I  don't create proper english. It's just there. The problem with you is that you can't write proper english. Just for the record, sometimes we start sentences with capital letters. As far as your "DDR Unit". I know for a fact that Ted only likes guys that have a grip on the English Vocabulary.... Sorry, but I guess you'll have to play with your "unit" all by yourself. Im sure for you that will just be business as usual...

Yours truly,
Dear DDR Man

Dear DDR Man:
I have a sreious problem and I know you are the only one who can hellp me. My man is a huge DDR freak. He eats, sleeps and lives DDR. We used to go out to dinner or the movies, now he only takes me to the arcade. When we hang out he'll only listen to downloads of DDR mixes. Is there a support group out there for DDR fanatics or maybe for the friends and families of DDR Fanatics? I don't play DDR and I'm afraid it's ruining our relationship. Please help.

Thank You,
DDR Widow

Dear DDR Widow:
I am glad you used the word widow, because you have lost your man to DDR. I have seen it time and time again. Once your man starts downloading DDR songs, your in trouble. Cut your losses before he starts raiding your piggybank for quarters. No support group, no help, he is past the point of no return.

Yours Truly,
Dear DDR Man

Dear DDR Man:
I can't stand it! All these chicks won't stop talking about you! They keep on asking me, "Do you know him?", "have you seen him?", "is he cute?"
How do you do that? I mean I'm not single but I never had that type of charisma. I think you should share your secret with other guys. What can we do?

Yours Truly,

Dear GlowstikNinjaX:
First off, I will need all the names and phone numbers of all the girls talking about me. You never know when your gonna hit a dry spell. As far as you asking how do I do it.....sometimes with Jelly and sometimes with Chocolate syrup, oops.. wait a minute, I really don't think that is a suitable topic for discussion. But I will say this...I do it just fine..... and there is no secret... I just got mad skillz when it comes to the ladies....

Yours Truly.
Dear DDR Man

Well, thats all the time I have right now. Keep the questions coming and keep checking in... Just remember, Dear DDR Man is here to help.....All questions will be answered...Email question to:
